Friday, May 28, 2010

Animal cruelty

I had a dream where I became aware of the feeling of a bird sitting on the ground in front of me. I could feel the birds feathers, feel the warmth of the body. And I thought, what are you a pheasant? And then that I could not eat it or harm it. So I have become a vegan once more. Also the image of the cat I saw the other day on a Facebook animal rights page with the metal rod going through its head and things clamped onto its ears.

I used to be vegan until my muscles were very weak. I have some kind of acid translating into protein imbalance. however I have become resolute to again try to be vegan for the animals, the eco system - all the farms with cages of hens, pigs, dairy cows. All of the land used for the heavy hoofed animals that is mostly cleared of trees, resulting in erosion. The water used to feed the masses of animals, the transportation of the animals, especially live export is a far reaching thing to stop eating meat, to stop taking the milk from baby cows mouths. To stop. Just stop. And listen to the peace of nature if you can. Not many can. Why? It has been destroyed and taken away from people and wild nature. But that does not mean it has all gone. It can be wild again. Imagine the country farm fields you see when you go through the country covered in trees with streams and ponds, wildlife living there again, as it was before it was all destroyed.

Then the animal experimentation comes into play. I recall years ago I had a flyer stuck to my bookcase, a Pigs Life of Imprisonment, about caged pigs. The caging is not all they do and for a sum of money, the companies test on cats - but not just any cats, white laboratory cats that cost about $3000. Not strays or street cats for the experiments as the dye doesn't show as clearly and the health is questionable, so is the behaviour, also they are not uniform, if they were strays, for control experiments. This exclusivity is expensive. Also is cruel, with things done to the animals against their right, such as the Draize Rabbit Eye Test, explained further in the link below.

Draize Eye Test

See this site for more information about animal cruelty and abuse.

Humane Society

Veganism is an option for the 21st Century, and saves animals lives as even a little less meat is consumed on a daily basis, it adds up.

God, Buddha, and Lugh bless

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Psychiatric wards cannot prevent death

There is evidence on camera of a patient dying on the floor of a psych ward. This shows the apathetic tv watching state of people who do not seem to switch on to the fact that someone is dying. You would hope that, once within a psych ward, a person could be saved from death. But as this footage shows it is pathetic, disgustingly the last thing this person experiences is a cold hospital floor, where she was meant to be alive. And looked after. The footage may be disturbing as it is real life.

Death in a psych ward - actual footage

As far as I can see from internet research, the cause of Esmin Green's death was unclear. It may have even been due to psychiatric medication although why would that happen when the apparent process was to take in the person, and then to give them medication the next morning. Had she overdosed on psychiatric medicine or on something else? She didn't die from just sitting there in the waiting room!!

Stop the apathy of psychiatric ward treatment. They do little to help people and do not seem to know how to help people or to prevent suicide. Yet treatment is continued on in the form of medication, keeping people in hospitals, but really accomplishing nothing to help that person change their life or to stop them from dying.
The evidence is clear and there are no more excuses for mistreatment. These ways must be overthrown!!

Protest the psych ward systems! End the apathy that causes lives to end!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Omo is not washing powder

Omo River dam controversy – Baraza

The Omo River that is surrounded by dust plains when at it's driest, could be entirely and permanently damaged by a few foolish decisions that began with the idea being approved for the dam. These ways are inhuman, and utterly ruinous to the earth. The people may starve if they do not get their usual crops from the plains surrounding the river, because they plan to flood the plains and that will destroy all the tribal peoples food.

The river does have natural floods, but then it is part of the cycle that allows for the dry plains to become fertile.

Why must nature be harnessed and controlled, like a medicated woman on the pill? Regulated. Damaged permanently unless these ways change today. Stop this from going ahead now! It is all of the people's earth, and people have a right to live tribally without being destroyed by the ignorance of money fooled companies.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Natural health options instead of allopathy patheticism

There are plenty of alternatives for treating the range of imbalances that fall under the umbrella term of mental illness. I was reading a book in 2008 that contained very interesting cases, recovering completely, once full tests had been given on aspects of their health that are mostly overlooked in Australian mental health treatment.

And their treatment was natural too! With no side effects, no drowsyness, no weight gain, and the freedom to live in the world instead of being locked up away from the world and from their freedom of choice.

I borrowed it from a faraway interstate library and can't find it again online as it had an unusual title, but it was a large A4 sized book that was really good to read, as it had successful cases. There was a woman who had developed catatonia, she was given various tests and was diagnosed as having certain deficiencies, toxicities, etc. I can't recall exactly what as I read it once 2 years ago. But I do remember that she fully recovered and has never had a relapse, because her catatonia was sourced at the root of the problem.

If more people could be treated this way, then the people could be healed and treated, with no cure for all as such, but individual recognition, treatment and testing which is thorough and guarantees a natural health treatment that will go to the source of the problem. Instead of forced treatment. Neglecting abilities as healers to look into the problem much more effectively, instead of the one size fits all diagnosis and treatment. I do not have a hope in the world for the research that is done to find the cure for Schizophrenia. For one it is a diagnosis that is often a term used for efficiency. A label for convenience. People are told, you don't really have schizophrenia, but that is what we will say it is. Maybe it makes it easier for them to dispense medication to have a label that does not fit the health issue!

There is also a highly over reactive way that staff and others such as police are involved. It is as if a person is a criminal and that they must be forced into a place which forces everything about it's way and does not resolve the illness! A tablet isn't going to change a persons mind who is suicidal! People are not talked to enough the humanity of health is not evident in current Australian mental health treatment. A person does not want to be injected because they are feeling emotional! How can an intensely emotional person who is not harming themselves or others be injected with a needle when that is not evident of symptoms of any kind of mental illness?! It is simply evident of the way that emotions are not recognised and are feared. It seems inept that people are treated with needles for emotional outbursts, when people are really just trying to express themselves to healers. These healers may be having that effect on the people without realising it, the healing becoming an outpouring, is that not the sign that the person is feeling so it is good, thus it is to be encouraged?! Instead of jabbed and forgotten. It stops the feeling, it does not encourage healing. It does not make our lives credible with emotional states being repressed even further than they already are to hide it from the people who will jab you for emotion, who will not simply acknowledge that it is not a dangerous storm, it will not become a cyclone and damage everything if it can reach a point of soothing, of tears of emotional release, of humanity. This also gets the person beyond the point that they are stuck at. They are also being more grounded if they feel, and breathe, if they develop a breathing problem because of this stopping of feeling then it is creating more problems for the person who is vulnerable and simply trying to heal themselves.

Why so intense about that particular issue? Because it happened to me. I was in a psych ward. In fact I have been forced into a few because of lack of sleep and the way that I have talked in the past because of this lack of sleep. That has been the key issue. Insomnia. I played the Faithless song Insomnia when I was in the psych ward, once I had managed to get a few hours day release, I went to the shops wandering about in a hazy medicated culture shock. Vulnerable to the world and out of practice with it. Because of being locked up inside for a few weeks. Insomnia had been an issue since childhood. Which I admit to myself has been of abuse and neglect. That I have told many other healing professionals and friends over the years, countless times. How is this life to be original and different every day if I am asked the same questions over and over again, as if I am a criminal! I am not a criminal! I did not give my permission to be locked up, to be medicated. I was getting angry about it and tried to deal with it in a way that I was taught years before in a psychotherapy session for abuse, for feeling release. For body release. I got a pingpong bat with foam and hit the chairs in the empty room, going around the room and in a controlled way, hit the chairs, shouting "demon" each time I hit them. I had no intent to hit anyone else, and just wanted to release myself. No one else was in the room and I felt it was the right thing to do under the circumstances. I have used this way in the past with a Dragon Pole I used to train with when I studied kung fu in 2000. I hit a bed with the pole to get out my aggression and anger without hurting anyone else. Only trouble was I hit a glass light fixture above the bed, smashing a bit of it. But I stopped when that happened, and I was not out of control in doing this. The point of it is to control the body and channel it into an energy to be released. like the reverse of eating, you take the energy away with the focus of it.

I was doing this in the common room of the psych ward and then they stopped me. Then they threatened me with an injection, as if I was a rabid dog! I managed to talk them around, but it had given me a bad mark for emotional outbursts. Next time I expressed emotion vocally, I was given a forced injection in the butt cheek. Pretty unrelaxing and forceful isn't it?! Pretty rediculously over the top to force a drug into a person without their permission isn't it.

In the same psych ward, I heard a woman almost constantly wailing. I decided to go and see her to see if I could calm her down as no one else was doing anything about it! Psychiatric medication is just to stop something temporarily, and that is what was happening with the wailing woman. She was given regular doses of medication but it wasn't her time yet to have another dosage so they just ignored her! I went into her room where she lay in bed, wailing at a high pitched scream. I asked her if she would like Reiki. She nodded, and I lay my hands on her feet. She wailed less and less and soon became calm. then the staff came into the room and told me to stop doing that! She was so obviously calmed and soothed by the Reiki that she didn't want to wail anymore. The medication and treatment methods have had very little effect, compared to those brief moments of peace given by the reiki. I saw it with my own eyes, heard it with own ears, how she had stopped wailing! It is like mothers who ignore screaming babies when all they need is to be loved and touched! How can this not be understood when it was clearly demonstrated by myself!! How they have lost their sense of healing touch! Of humanity! My God! I am following somewhat in the footsteps of Patch Adams! Who I indeed aspire to, Robin Williams may indeed be inspired to do a drag role for my story!! Ha!

Reiki is an energetic treatment which, as demonstrated above can be wonderfully calming and soothing. It feels so peaceful, even when you are not that upset, and has immense power to heal. I am a Reiki Master, properly attuned in 2006 as a Reiki Master, and was attuned to Reiki I in 2002. The healing energy of even Reiki I can help in a psychiatric ward, where people lack the warmth of people. Of love. Love is the way to heal, above anything else. I have freedom now, and do not take any allopathic psychiatric medication, in fact the last allopathic medication I had was when I was in hospital with a broken arm in late October 2009. In there I was thinking how nice it would be to be in a place like a Chinese hospital, where they use acupuncture and herbal treatments too. I have read of acupuncture being used in surgery to completely anaesthetise the person. Heart surgery. Whilst the person is conscious yet entirely numbed by acupuncture. Now this is reported of the patients, they are completely calm and manage the surgery well. They are not frightened. Imagine that! Wow! Ancient wisdom of healing practices must not be diluted or repressed. It is strongly effective and has little to no side effects. People who cannot take the allopathic anaesthetics could be given acupuncture instead. It is practiced today why can it not be practiced elsewhere? I would do that for my broken arm surgery if that was an option instead!!

Here's to freedom!

May the Medicine Buddha, God, and the archangel Micheal bless and protect you all!

Friday, May 14, 2010

What kind of action should be taken to protest abuses in public hospitals?

I have been inspired by a DVD of Rosa Parks, her simple action was most likely not premeditated, she did that alone. She sat and remained on a bus seat in 1955, refusing to move to vacate the seat for a white man because she was black. It was a racist way that discusted her, to sit in the back segregated area which was the only area she was supposed to sit in being black. She was arrested and then freed. There were many days following of protests about the buses, and in 1956 the bus segregation was seen to be unconstitutional.

What kind of simple non violent action could I use to demonstrate the right of the individual who is abused by the system, controlled by the system, and by threats of injection, of stronger medication, kept against their will inside psychiatric institutions, when many of the people there are not actually mentally unstable. Many of the people who are in psychiatric wards are there because they don't know any other healers to ask for help. If they were given free reign, that is to be given complete freedom, to come and go as they please, do you think that people would feel so oppressed, so fearful? They are forced to take medication even though they do not want to. And action has to be shown in a peaceful protest, in a demonstration of some kind that creates awareness in the public far more.

Even if it jolts the person to conscious thought and recognition for a short time, it will have the desired effect. To begin to change the way this system so unintelligently and ineffectually treats other human beings!!

How is my say, my opinion, my view, to be expressed in a real world sense?! Anyone have any ideas? Dare me! I might just try it, to sacrifice myself to promote dignity and respect in health! And to make it pro choice and the right to refuse. The persons right to say no to sex isn't on the same level as the right to say no to medication. Now why is that not seen as a violation?!!

STOP! It is NOW! We need to treat the people and this earth with respect and evolve past the things that keep humanity in darkness!!

Buddha, God, and Kali bless

The danger in allopathic public hospitals

The danger of going into any allopathic public hospital is that your life could suddenly become commanded by someone else. The financially minded and blighted, government ruled, police enforced, public hospital.

Words that are never taken as anything evidential legally in other circumstances are the main source of the staff's initiation, who can now commence control of the direction of your daily life. They can make it so you have no right to refuse medication, are forcibly injected with medication to subdue you to submit to their ways and their rules. If you want to leave it is not allowable and you are then shut up inside a place for even longer, because you have given an escapee status to yourself should you seek out your own life direction again.

They intimidate, force, aggress, control, overpower, overmedicate, disrespect the right of the body as being owned by the person - and of their right to refuse anything medication wise. It is wrong to make people forced to take medication. It is wrong to harm a persons free state. It causes people to become enraged, and then a vicious cycle ensues, of stronger enforced medication, of more enforcements and controls to stop a person from being within their right to refuse or stop anything going in to their body that they do not personally accept. Now that is rapacious. And to not have learnt that forcing people against their will is incredibly unsophisticated, and does not move forward in the 21st century. There is no innovation, only occasional experimentation with medication, which is also wrong, because the medication can cause side effects that can lead to a crippled appearance of movement - Stelazine, an inability to move quickly due to an overweight body that is easily becoming dizzy - Zyprexa.

Zyprexa information.

Zyprexa (olanzapine) is an atypical antipsychotic medication. Exactly how it works is not known. It is thought to work by changing the actions of certain chemicals in the brain.

Zyprexa is not for use in psychotic conditions related to dementia. Zyprexa may cause heart failure, sudden death, or pneumonia in older adults with dementia-related conditions.

Zyprexa may cause you to have high blood sugar (hyperglycemia). Symptoms include increased thirst, increased urination, excessive hunger, and weakness. If you are diabetic, check your blood sugar levels on a regular basis while you are taking olanzapine.

Zyprexa may impair your thinking or reactions. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be alert.

Avoid getting up too fast from a sitting or lying position, or you may feel dizzy. Get up slowly and steady yourself to prevent a fall.

Avoid drinking alcohol while taking Zyprexa. Avoid becoming overheated or dehydrated. Drink plenty of fluids, especially in hot weather and during exercise. It is easier to become dangerously overheated and dehydrated while you are taking Zyprexa.

Read more:

Now why is this medication even used if its effects are not known?

Why is it used when it causes people to have overweight bodies, thus lowering self esteem for one?

How is a medication like this in current usage or at all, when it causes impaired physical ability?

How can people be expected to regain a normal life after psychiatric treatment, when this is the kind of side effects that cause problems in workplaces, relationships, when people are driving their car, when people are too drowsy to live a normal existence and sleep all day doing nothing with their lives?!!

How the hell is that treatment being ensured for the individual to enjoy their life as an adult being?!! Freely?!! It is not free and is not their right to do this to people.

Hear my music about this and other issues and buy it on AmazonMP3.

Disrespect by SLAMary

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Allopathic rule and control does not achieve healing

I was trying to find out about healing for myself not to have to turn into a defensive and scared person because you decided to make the health issues about your opinions and control factors and scientific ways and procedures to follow instead of my health..